Aviation Training

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Career growth is something we all strive towards in our professional life. Skills are definitely important to embark on the next level but what if that skills alone will not be sufficient to reach your next career achievement? This is where Emotional Intelligence comes in.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, manage, and express your emotions and understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. It gives you an intimate understanding of your own emotions, a commitment to active listening to understand others, a high degree of social awareness and relationship management to make the right decisions at the right time. Research shows a person’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) is an effective indicator of potential success than Intelligent Quotient (IQ). Emotional Intelligence helps to improve your leadership potentials, employability, work-life balance and relationships with others.

Emotional Intelligence helps to improve your leadership potentials, employability, work-life balance and relationships with others. Mastering Emotional Intelligence allows to access your emotional center while managing relationships with the team members. Competencies associated with emotional and social intelligence are often what separates an average performer from a great one. And, unlike our overall intelligence, emotional intelligence can be learned and improved over time.

This course is aimed at those who are interested in enhancing the social and emotional interactions with each other and it is geared to give you the tools you need to be emotionally and socially intelligent in your workplace, to understand ourselves and others, resolve conflict and build better relationships for professional and personal success.

Contact us on +94 (0) 19 733 4000 or email us on training@srilankan.com to register and for more information!

What you will learn

Emotions Us

  • What is an Emotion?
  • Emotions vs Moods
  • How does culture influence the way we show/see emotions
  • Importance of understanding your emotions

Emotions and Brain

  • Amygdala Hijack
  • Role of the brain in emotions
  • Know your dominant brain (Left brain vs Right brain)

Key elements of EI

  1. Becoming Self-Aware
    • What is Self-Awareness?
    • Choose your attitude
    • How to improve your Self-Awareness
  2. Self-Management/Regulating Your Emotions
    • Find your self-control
  3. Using coping methods
  4. Self- Motivation
    • The Power of re-framing: The balance between Optimism and Pessimism
  5. Empathy
    • Developing your empathy
  6. Social Skills
    • Articulate your emotions using the right communication mode
    • Traits of a person with High Social Skills

Importance of EI

  • Why we need EI
  • How to develop EI
  • Importance of Values
  • Companies with Core Values that stand above the rest

EI in the Corporate world

  • Role of EI in the workplace
  • Key areas an organisations should focus to build an EI workforce
  • How an individual should apply EI in the workplace
  • Correlation between EI and job satisfaction and work-life balance
  • Barriers for EI

Workplace Stress

  • What is your experience of workplace stress?
  • What is Workplace Stress?
  • Symptoms of stress
  • Behavioural consequences of stress,
    • Information processing
    • Performance